Electronic ticket refund Purchased electronic tickets are not subject to refund. A passenger can be given a full refund on his/her ticket, if Aeroexpress trains have not travelled for more than one hour, due to an unscheduled maintenance break. In all other cases, no refunds shall be made for single tickets that have not been used (in accordance with the Conditions of Rail Carriage for Passengers and Cargo, Baggage, and Cargo Luggage, Transported for Personal, Family and Other Needs Not of a Business Character’, approved by Order No.111, issued by the government of the Russian Federation on 2 March 2005).所以你朋友的票无法退,人家不退票,除非车坏了...所有条款看这里:https://aeroexpress.ru/en/aero/help.html#howToBuy
Electronic ticket refund Purchased electronic tickets are not subject to refund. A passenger can be given a full refund on his/her ticket, if Aeroexpress trains have not travelled for more than one hour, due to an unscheduled maintenance break. In all other cases, no refunds shall be made for single tickets that have not been used (in accordance with the Conditions of Rail Carriage for Passengers and Cargo, Baggage, and Cargo Luggage, Transported for Personal, Family and Other Needs Not of a Business Character’, approved by Order No.111, issued by the government of the Russian Federation on 2 March 2005).所以你朋友的票无法退,人家不退票,除非车坏了...所有条款看这里:https://aeroexpress.ru/en/aero/help.html#howToBuy