1. 当我申请
2. 经济证明。
第一个择提供存款证明,但是英官网上又说I should consider providing additional documents to show the origins of the money in my account. 这钱是我家人给我的,我该怎么证明哪里来的啊?请家人写信吗?然后还要亲子关系公证书吗?还要证明家人的钱怎么来的吗?????六个月以内开的存款证明不能用吗?
但是英官网上又说I should consider providing additional documents to show the
origins of the money in my account.
这钱是我家人给我的,我该怎么证明哪里来的啊?请家人写信吗?然后还要亲子关系公证书吗?还要证明家人的钱怎么来的吗????? Yes, you need to
复印我的存折6个月以内的记录,可是存折里的个人信息都是用中文写得啊,我要拿到哪里去翻译成英文呢?可以自己标注在复印件上吗 any recognized translation agency could be helpful
我在瑞典待不够一年,根本没办过瑞典的银行账户 does that mean you must reside in SW for more than 1 year, otherwise you are not eligible for a local bank account? If not, why not open an account in time?
但是英官网上又说I should consider providing additional documents to show the
origins of the money in my account.
这钱是我家人给我的,我该怎么证明哪里来的啊?请家人写信吗?然后还要亲子关系公证书吗?还要证明家人的钱怎么来的吗????? Yes, you need to
复印我的存折6个月以内的记录,可是存折里的个人信息都是用中文写得啊,我要拿到哪里去翻译成英文呢?可以自己标注在复印件上吗 any recognized translation agency could be helpful
我在瑞典待不够一年,根本没办过瑞典的银行账户 does that mean you must reside in SW for more than 1 year, otherwise you are not eligible for a local bank account? If not, why not open an account in time?