本月30号去澳洲,关于自驾,已经在澳洲拿到永居的朋友说他们没永居之前在维多利亚就是用的NAATI的翻译件。特意找了下维州的官方网站 http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/Licences/NewToVictoria/OverseasDriversLicences.htm 这里写得很清楚 If you are in Victoria on a temporary visa, you can drive on your overseas driver licence for as long as it is current providing it is in English or accompanied by an English translation or International Driving Permit.
后面有一段关于这个 accompanied by English translation 的说法: Licence translations If your licence is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. The translation is at your own cost.VicRoads only accepts translations completed by:a NAATI accredited (any level) translator, oran official translation from the country of origin, orappropriate consulate in Australia.可以看到三个文件中任选一个都可以了。
后面有一段关于这个 accompanied by English translation 的说法:
Licence translations
If your licence is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. The translation is at your own cost.VicRoads only accepts translations completed by:a NAATI accredited (any level) translator, oran official translation from the country of origin, orappropriate consulate in Australia.可以看到三个文件中任选一个都可以了。