从欧美人的口中,它是中美最安全干净的国家。他好像不是中美四国之一,脱离英殖民独立不太久,英语还是官方语言…… 查了下wikitravel,说它在世界范围内是一个相对安全的旅游地 (...While Belize has not been immune to the rampant drug crime and grinding poverty of its neighbors it is a comparatively safe destination in a conflict prone part of the world...)
从欧美人的口中,它是中美最安全干净的国家。他好像不是中美四国之一,脱离英殖民独立不太久,英语还是官方语言…… 查了下wikitravel,说它在世界范围内是一个相对安全的旅游地 (...While Belize has not been immune to the rampant drug crime and grinding poverty of its neighbors it is a comparatively safe destination in a conflict prone part of the world...)