我和我阿姨还有她的女儿一起去英国旅行,她们都是小白本,要和我做在一起,说可以提高通过率, It does not make sense at all. That reduces the chances perhaps. 她是她女儿的监护人,其实严格来说她女儿是跟她走的,而不是跟我走的。 this is correct understanding 这种情况下,我选“是”的话,我接下来就要填写她女儿的各种信息,证明可以跟我一起出国的各种关系证明,如果我选“否”的话,后面表格还是会填写到“你有同行伙伴吗”一栏,那我还是要写她们两个的资料。 Simply tell you: if you and the 'aunt' does not have bloodhood relationship, do not apply for visas as a group. You d better apply for visas separately.
It does not make sense at all. That reduces the chances perhaps.
this is correct understanding
Simply tell you: if you and the 'aunt' does not have bloodhood relationship, do not apply for visas as a group. You d better apply for visas separately.