提前订的话,地板价是6人包厢,58瑞士法郎每人,具体信息请看下面的链接,注意12月中随着时刻表更新,此线路将被取消(We inform you that the night traffic between Switzerland and Italy with the EN Luna between Geneva/Zurich–Berne and Florence–Rome will be shut down by the change of timetable at 13th of December 2009.)
提前订的话,地板价是6人包厢,58瑞士法郎每人,具体信息请看下面的链接,注意12月中随着时刻表更新,此线路将被取消(We inform you that the night traffic between Switzerland and Italy with the EN Luna between Geneva/Zurich–Berne and Florence–Rome will be shut down by the change of timetable at 13th of December 2009.)
提前订的话,地板价是6人包厢,58瑞士法郎每人,具体信息请看下面的链接,注意12月中随着时刻表更新,此线路将被取消(We inform you that the night traffic between Switzerland and Italy with the EN Luna between Geneva/Zurich–Berne and Florence–Rome will be shut down by the change of timetable at 13th of December 2009.)
票价也可以在意大利国铁网站上查询,SBB 的网上国际查询不好,通常需要发邮件的
提前订的话,地板价是6人包厢,58瑞士法郎每人,具体信息请看下面的链接,注意12月中随着时刻表更新,此线路将被取消(We inform you that the night traffic between Switzerland and Italy with the EN Luna between Geneva/Zurich–Berne and Florence–Rome will be shut down by the change of timetable at 13th of December 2009.)
票价也可以在意大利国铁网站上查询,SBB 的网上国际查询不好,通常需要发邮件的