签证,好多地方不懂,填表时遇到了好多困难,请有经验的前辈指教,不胜感激。一、What are your current personal circumstances?家庭妇女这儿选Unemployed 还是Supported by spouse/partner r? You stated that you are supported by a spouse/partner/other family member. Please give full details in the box below; inclu ding their relationship to you.这个detail主要填什么?二、Do you have savings? properties or other income? for example? from stocks and shares? 我没有名下的存款股票都在老公名下,只有共同名字的房产,选yes 还是no?三 You stated that you receive income from other sources .Please give details of all money you receive from any/all source(s) including amounts and frequency. Please state which currency e.g. US Dollars or UK Pounds Sterling. 我所有的资金都在老公名下 ,这怎么写好呢?四、Do you have any friends or family in the UK? Will your spouse/partner be travelling with you? 老公办理的商务
英国,该回答yes还是 no
whichever you want
You stated that you are supported by a spouse/partner
/other family member. Please give full details in the box below; inclu ding their relationship to you.
Husband and wife
我没有名下的存款股票都在老公名下,只有共同名字的房产,选yes 还是no?
should choose yes
我所有的资金都在老公名下 ,这怎么写好呢?
Say how much your husband gives you per month/week/year
Will your spouse/partner be travelling with you? 老公办理的商务签证已经先出发去英国,该回答yes还是 no
This is a hard question, contact the local embassy ba?