Day0 (Jan 31周五) Chengdu to London arrive and exit the Airport at 6:30pm.
Day1 (Feb 1 周六) London.
Day2(Feb 2 周日) London
Day3(Feb 3 周一). kingston-upon-thames. Train to Edinburg in the evening.
Day4(Feb 4 周二), Edinburgh city tour
Day5(Feb 5周三) Edinburg to Oxford in the morning. Oxford tour in the afternoon and catch train to London.
Day6,7(Feb 6, Feb7周四,五).London to Straford-Upon-Avon, Stow-on-the-Wold, Lower/Upper Slaughter – Burton-on-the-water, . cotswolds and London.
Day8( Feb 8 周六), London-Leeds castle-cantebury and London
Day9(Feb 9 周日) London to Windors and to catch flight to Chengdu at 4pm.