外公外婆准备暑假带着孙子孙女去英国探亲-- perhaps it would be important to show who is the person to be visited 初中升高中,学校的准假证明里还能写按时回本校就读吗 it is not useful for school saying the student will return and resume the study. the school cannot guarantee this. 父母不同去的话, 需要出具什么公证关系证明吗 at least something says the parents agree the children to travel (with the grandparents)
初中升高中,学校的准假证明里还能写按时回本校就读吗 it is not useful for school saying the student will return and resume the study. the school cannot guarantee this.
父母不同去的话, 需要出具什么公证关系证明吗 at least something says the parents agree the children to travel (with the grandparents)
2. 无所谓
3. 孩子出生证明,父母签字的委托书,父母护照复印件
4. 全部复印+翻译