第一天,到luton机场,坐火车到 King's Cross and St Pancras。网上预订大概来回21欧。然后步行30分钟到大英博物馆。
参观完,坐地铁20分钟到earls court住宿。
第二天,第三天,坐BIG BUS 游览。
第四天,到 King's Cross and St Pancras,坐火车来回牛津。还有更方便的方式吗?
第五天,坐地铁到 King's Cross and St Pancras,回luton机场。
我把住宿选择在EARLS COURT ,因为这里到火车站不用倒车,而且附近就可以上BIG BUS.请教,这样是否合理。因为带了小孩,能少走就少走。买地铁票暴走的方式,实在吃不消。
The main cloakroom is to the west of the Main entrance. There is another at the North entrance. £1.50 per item, 50 pence for umbrellas, fold-up pushchairs free.
Maximum size: 40x40x50cm
Maximum weight: 8kg (except fold-up pushchairs)
Luggage restrictions
Please do not bring large bags or suitcases to the Museum. Items larger than 40x40x50cm are not allowed on the British Museum premises for safety and security reasons.
Wheeled cases must be carried or left in the cloakrooms.
Special exhibitions may have additional restrictions.
The Museum reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to vary or alter these conditions without prior notice.
要是你还没定旅馆的话,还不如直接在kings X 附近住呢。。。没必要跑去EARLS COURT住