情况是,我现在已经拿到了半年的short term study签证,而且是multiple的 原计划是7月19日第一次入境,大概会先玩一周左右,期间计划去巴黎(申根签证也已经拿到),之后7月25开始在伦敦上summer school 但是听别的小伙伴说short term study签证每次入境的目的必须是学习,所以如果我拿这个签证的话,是不是第一周就不能去巴黎旅行呢?是不是要再申请一次旅游签证? 希望各位知情的大大们帮个忙 谢谢啦!
in your first entry, they may ask you why you come to the UK but since it is so close to your school start (only 6 days), I personally feel it is reasonable to arrive in the UK a few days before school start. You may need to prepare your study in these a few days.
情况是,我现在已经拿到了半年的short term study签证,而且是multiple的 原计划是7月19日第一次入境,大概会先玩一周左右,期间计划去巴黎(申根签证也已经拿到),之后7月25开始在伦敦上summer school 但是听别的小伙伴说short term study签证每次入境的目的必须是学习,所以如果我拿这个签证的话,是不是第一周就不能去巴黎旅行呢?是不是要再申请一次旅游签证? 希望各位知情的大大们帮个忙 谢谢啦!
but since it is so close to your school start (only 6 days), I personally feel it is reasonable to arrive in the UK a few days before school start. You may need to prepare your study in these a few days.