@chha1985:更新:邮件询问了小田急官网,答复是可以的: Yes, you can get off the train and go outside of the 相模大野 or 新百合ヶ丘 station and take another train going to 新宿 station with the Enoshima-Kamakura Freepass. Whan you go outside from each stations, please show your freepass to the staff in order to pass the gate.
Yes, you can get off the train and go outside of the 相模大野 or 新百合ヶ丘 station and take another train going to 新宿 station with the Enoshima-Kamakura Freepass. Whan you go outside from each stations, please show your freepass to the staff in order to pass the gate.
1. 从小田急中文官网上看不行,一般也没有人这么用的。
2. 但是,日文官网上有这么一句话:※発駅~藤沢駅間の小田急線のご乗車は往復1回限りです。(ただし、途中下車の制限はありません。途中下車をご希望される場合は、係員にお申し出ください。)。似乎是只要和车站工作人员说,就可以停留。http://www.odakyu.jp/train/couponpass/enoshima/
3. 你可以发邮件去问一下welcome@odakyu-dentetsu.co.jp
4. 反正新百合丘站总能下车,不行的话就买单程票坐回东京也没有多少钱。