At some point you must come to the Consulate, either in New York or Boston. If you are serious about going to Chile, remember that it takes up to
fifteen business days to get approval. Send me by e-mail or fax(617)232-0817, the Photo Page ONLY of your passport, together with a short note indicating
when you wish to enter Chile, for how long, names and phone number of any Chilean contacts, and your local phone number in Buffalo. If and when I receive approval, you
must then come to Boston with your passport and the visa fee.
At some point you must come to the Consulate, either in New York or Boston. If you are serious about going to Chile, remember that it takes up to
fifteen business days to get approval. Send me by e-mail or fax(617)232-0817, the Photo Page ONLY of your passport, together with a short note indicating
when you wish to enter Chile, for how long, names and phone number of any Chilean contacts, and your local phone number in Buffalo. If and when I receive approval, you
must then come to Boston with your passport and the visa fee.
最终,我是6月7号到了纽约使馆办理签证。先去前台递交材料,原本是准备好了的申请表格,可是小米说,表格不对,要重新填,其实大致的问题还是都一样的。之后回座位上等待。大概20分钟后,工作人员请我们进去,态度很好,问我们的行程,然后说单次入境的就可以了,很爽快的就给了visa,然后说,我们的时间留得太少了,因为我们21号得飞机,所以她说,就让我们20号来去就好了。但有个问题,就是纽约领事馆不收现金得,她让我们去2个block外的pharmacy买money order,说是手续费便宜。
签证 51刀 单次
money order 手续费99cents
其次,既然已经在美国了,何不试试呢? 打个电话,如果住在大城市附近,就跑一趟吧。