HGH - KUL Total
Fare price 296.00 CNY 296.00 CNY
Fare fees and taxes 480.00 CNY 480.00 CNY
Regular- up to 15kg 67.00 CNY
Total amount 843.00 CNY
Fare price 294.00 MYR 294.00 MYR 588.00 MYR
Fare fees and taxes 104.00 MYR 354.00 MYR 458.00 MYR
Regular- up to 15kg 30.00 MYR
Regular- up to 15kg 30.00 MYR
Other taxes/fees
Convenience Fee 12.00 MYR
Convenience Fee 12.00 MYR 84.00 MYR
Total amount 1,130.00 MYR
With regards to your cancellation request, kindly be advised that refund is not applicable as per Air Asia's terms and conditions hence we are pleased to offer you a credit shell with a doctor's letter, credit shell can be utilized on a later date. Since the credit shell has a cancellation of CNY 325.00 fee per person per sector for Booking with reference number U7KITM and MYR 100.00 fee per person per sector for Booking with reference number K7FGQZ, we will just deduct it from the paid amount accounted from your current Booking.
The balance left will be the amount for you to utilize on the following options:
* Make new Bookings, pre-booked meals and baggage
* Make changes to existing Bookings, pre-booked meals and baggage
We will appreciate it if you could provide us with a proof of relationship between passengers for Booking reference number U7KITM and K7FGQZ, and the doctor’s letter in English with the following details:
1. Hospital/Clinic’s Letterhead
2. Official stamp of Attending Physician
3. Exact Medical Condition
4. Recovery period and duration of inability to fly
5. Signature of Attending Physician
And we would greatly appreciate if you can provide us the member number. This can be created by following the procedures below:
1) Log in to www.airasia.com
2) Register as a member or login with current username and password
3) Click on ‘ My Profile ’ upon login
4) Retrieve the member number ( 10 digits )
Lastly, kindly take note of the following:
*Credit shell cancellation fee per passenger per sector
*It is valid for 90 days, however it can be utilised to make a new Booking on any date available as long as our schedule is out.
*Once expired, it will be locked by the system and it is not extendable
*It is applicable for AK, FD ,QZ and D7 flights
*It is transferable to any family members or friends
We will create the credit shell upon receiving your reply, and will update you accordingly.
Should you have further inquiries, please refer to our website by following this link:
http://www.airasia.com> select country > select language > Contact Us
Thank you and we are sorry to hear on such unfortunate event, we wish your daughter a speedy recovery.
让医师开个证明不就行了。 ”