我是全程自驾没试过公共交通,所以不清楚方不方便诶。。。。下面是这家airbnb主人关于交通的建议,大意是可以步行公交车或者uber,但是在LA自驾永远是最方便和划算的选择酱紫。。。We're in a safe, upscale residential neighborhood, so you'll have the most fun if you drive and have a car and have a GPS. Of course you can walk to the bus and we can occasionally drop people somewhere if we have time, but seriously: it's LA and public transport really sucks. RENT A CAR and have a GPS. We have parking in our driveway if your car doesn't leak oil (if it does you'll need to park around the corner as there is no street parking on our street overnight).Using our bikes is a great way to get around and the Ballona Creek Bike Trail will take you to the beaches without exposing you to much car traffic, but bear in mind they do need to be shared with the other guests and the bikes need to be back before it gets dark.Guests that don't drive get around very well with the peer-to-peer ride sharing apps Lyft and Uber and it often can be similar in cost to renting a car, but car rental is always best. Hey it's L.A. and the car is king!