我也遇到同样的情况。曼航会给你发个email,告诉你....Your seat has been confirmed. But your ticket has not been issued due to the unsuccessful payment. Please contact Bangkok Airways ticketing Office or Reservation Center for making a new payment. However, your ticket will be issued only after your payment transaction is completed......然后我就回复邮件问他那我应该怎么支付呢?他就会告诉你To complete the transaction, it would be highly appreciated if you could reply your permission for us to rerun the payment from your Visa card number xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (你的信用卡号) in order for us to complete the transaction from our end. 然后,你就再回复他,就说你同意用这张卡支付。然后大概等了半天的样子,收到银行短信通知信用卡刷卡成功。睡醒一觉之后,就收到了曼航发到邮箱的e-ticket receipts了。