The university is very pretty. It has been elected to be one of the most beautiful campus in the States, which I believe it's true. As people mentioned in the previous comments, the campus is huge! and full of old buildings. You may see over 50% of students on campus are Asian, like Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean. It would be very nice for you to explore the university village, have a lunch at Ding Tai Fong, walk on campus, read and write the postcards in library and encounter some amazing people and students there!!! I would highly recommend this compus for you to visit... even though I didn't go to this university...
春天是游览华盛顿大学的最佳时机,一整条路的樱花,通向社区正中的狄朗梅勒喷泉(Drumeller Fountain)。Suzzallo Library里面有一间酷似哈利·波特魔法学院场景的阅读室,学术开放的自由气氛让你不用登记就可以入内参观。