We attended the Sammy Hagar's bday concert at the DLV. It was the "Grand Opening" of the event center. Hopefully the bugs will be worked out for the next event there.
1. There was 1 line into the venue. The line wrapped around the block. 2. The Swag shop was set up very inefficiently. One line to browse the merch, another line for the 2 cashiers. The cashier line looped around 3 times. People did not know where the line ended. It would be very easy to grab a shirt and get out of line without being seen. 3. The bar that was set up near stage left- the line went through the audience. Even sober people couldn't find the end of the line.
The concert itself was GREAT! I do wish they played longer. Sammy still has it!
“拉斯维加斯市区 Downtown Las Vegas”的目的地简介,指的是拉斯维加斯原来的市中心,即弗里蒙特街。但是,大家的点评都是在说现在的拉斯维加斯大道长街一带今天最繁华热闹的地方。我从众。点评今天的市区。 拉斯维加斯大道布列着许多著名的大酒店(也是Casino),米高梅、纽约纽约、巴黎、Ballys、凯撒宫等等,灯红酒绿,摩肩接踵,在Casino里面,不知道外面是白天还是黑夜。各大酒店的建筑高大壮观,装饰华丽辉煌。夜景又是一种美。各国美食在这里也是应有尽有。
市区说白了就是无所个赌场连在一起的不夜城。赌场会不停得放氧气,让你不知不觉赌了一整个晚上。再没输光前,可以考虑先去看场表演,推荐 le reve(the dream),也能购个物,赌场连廊有各种大牌。不过这里人赌博很低调,而且也是为了娱乐,都比较有控制,当然,赌场赚得也没澳门分店的多了。比起赌场外面,赌场里面更赏心悦目,如果是穷游,多走几家赌场欣赏装饰是王道!
拉斯维加斯市中心(Downtown Las Vegas)是拉斯维加斯的中央商务区,是拉斯维加斯原来的赌博盛行的区域,在著名的拉斯维加斯大道成为赌场集中的区域之前。这里有大量的酒店和公司、文化中心、老楼和政府部门,还有住宅和零售业等。这里已经失去了曾经的繁华,现在的纸醉金迷都在拉斯维加斯大道,但是有空不妨来这里看看,感受维加斯的历史与过去的辉煌。市区中心是Fremont Street。
我喜欢拉斯维加斯,没有国界、没有尊卑,只有快乐、只有疯狂。来到这里,人们都会忘乎所以,轻松疯狂一把, 这就是拉斯维加斯独特的魅力和风格。
Hopefully the bugs will be worked out for the next event there.
1. There was 1 line into the venue. The line wrapped around the block.
2. The Swag shop was set up very inefficiently. One line to browse the merch, another line for the 2 cashiers. The cashier line looped
around 3 times. People did not know where the line ended. It would be very easy to grab a shirt and get out of line without being seen.
3. The bar that was set up near stage left- the line went through the audience. Even sober people couldn't find the end of the line.
The concert itself was GREAT! I do wish they played longer. Sammy still has it!
best place in the USA!
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good luck~赌徒们~~