请问: 1、这个DS160确认页上的条码,是不是非常重要?因为打印机打的A4,每次打出来都是适应页面比例,好像把条形码都缩小了,是不是要按照网上的确认页一模一样的比例打印啊?是不是右上角的条形码也必须打全啊?2、黑白打印可以吗? 3、是在上海签。请问还要不要像以前写上名字,名字代码,地址,邮编,还有贴收据啊? 4、请问:我给我妈提交了DS160后,又点击了FAMILY APPLICATION,给我爸填DS160,可是又看到下面这段文字,粉色字是啥意思啊?我以为FAMILY APPLICATION是说提交了表格后,爸妈可以一起在一个窗口同时面试,预约的时候也是可以只要一个预约号的,是不是这样啊?
Yes. On the “Thank You” page you will see an option to create a family or group application. When you select this option, certain information from your application, such as destination, will automatically be imported to and displayed on a new application. Please note that if you use this option you must create an individual application for each family member or for each individual within the group.