9/26 D0:中午12:15flight to london,夜宿飞机上
9/27 D1:上午10:45到
伦敦,外观buckingham palace, 取道St James Park直奔charing cross,+Trafalga Square + National Gallery
9/28 D2:早晨去hyde park,10点以后去british museum, st. paul's cathedral,bank junction一带而过,去westminster abbey,顺带big ben,london eye
9/29 D3: windsor castle,
巴斯,可参加day tour
9/30 D4: cambridge+york,
10/1 D5: york,
10/2 D6: 上午坐火车去edingburg;参观Edinburgh Castle,
10/3 D7: 在
爱丁堡,calton hill& Holyrood Park
10/4 D8: 上午火车去liverpool,Albert港口边的Beatles Story
10/5 D9:liverpool,下午飞london +Oxford Street shopping
10/6 D10:08:40早班机回上海
10/7 D11: 上午抵达上海
D3 impossible
D9 you must take care of the possible delays and check in time for the flight