9/26 D0:中午12:15flight to london,夜宿飞机上
9/27 D1:上午10:45到
伦敦,外观buckingham palace, 取道St James Park直奔charing cross,+Trafalga Square + National Gallery
9/28 D2:早晨去hyde park,10点以后去british museum, st. paul's cathedral,bank junction一带而过,去westminster abbey,顺带big ben,london eye
9/29 D3: windsor castle,
巴斯,可参加day tour
9/30 D4: cambridge+york,
10/1 D5: york,
10/2 D6: 上午坐火车去edingburg;参观Edinburgh Castle,
10/3 D7: 在
爱丁堡,calton hill& Holyrood Park
10/4 D8: 上午火车去liverpool,Albert港口边的Beatles Story
10/5 D9:liverpool,下午飞london +Oxford Street shopping
10/6 D10:08:40早班机回上海
10/7 D11: 上午抵达上海
第一天:市区景点;bond street, Oxford street, piccadilly circus, soho, Chinatown,covent Garden, Chinese library, national gallery, trafalgar square, big ben, wesminster abbey, house of parliament,London eye, Downing street, St. James Park, Buckingham palace.Take tube to bond street, go along the street down to piccadilly. (几乎所有的大牌名店都在这一线上了)liberty, bally, Burberrys..Then from piccadilly to soho(red district is from soho towards Euston station)to China Town, covent garden.then take charing cross road
(中文图书馆就在路的左手边,有中文招牌的),go down to trafalgar square.(London的景点中心)national gallery. 免费。(有几幅名画是一定要看的:凡高的椅子,向日葵。入口进去右手第二个展厅,韦拉斯盖兹的<镜中的维纳斯〉(29室)。。达芬奇的《圣母子和圣安娜及施洗者约翰〉51室。。当然还有其他很多名画,你们看了一定会很眼熟。。这的画宗教居多。因为年代久远。近代的画在Tate Modern)The national portrait Gallery(国家肖像画廊)免费national gallery 侧面,从charing cross road走过去右手边可看见(有伊丽莎白儿时的照片)从广场向外辐射,唐宁街, 大本钟,伦敦眼,英国国防部,外交部。白金汉宫,St, James park(以众多的水禽著称)都在那儿了。要看换岗的话,中午去,书上说是11:30。但隔天一次。不知道是单号还是双号。要座London eye的话,傍晚人比较少。或是先买票,再去逛其他地方。(有提前几小时的票卖,好像是15磅一张票。主要就看BigBen。can see the whole London, but doesn't impressive)不座的话,又还早的话。可以乘船去Greenwich. 在伦敦眼对面的港口。或是去Waterloo station take Jubulee lineget off at north greenwich. (下地铁,座bus188不久就可以到)一下午,greenwich 应该能搞定。
二天:博物馆游(natural history museum, science musuem, victorial&albert museum, Imerial college, Kings college,royal Albert Hall, kensingtong palace, kensington park, London tower, tower bridge, Bank of england,St. Paul Cathedral )south kensington是著名的博物馆区。Take tube to south kensington. 三大博物馆在一起,很是壮观,都免费。imperial college也在那儿。natural history museum(恐龙骨架,岩石,模拟地震;很有趣的,我最喜欢的博物馆),science museum(train,卫星,汽车,机械方面的),victorial&Abert museum. (fashion, art, musical instruments, 分不同国家地区的展馆,有中国的)then take a walk to kensington park, go straight down the road(from natural history museumto science musuem) on your left hand side, you will see imperial college. then cross the roadyou can see the park, 5-10 minutes walking distance. turn left, when you get into the park,walk along the main road, you will see Albert 纪念像在你的右手边,正对像,公园外是royal albert演奏厅。每年夏天世界各国的著名交响乐团来演出。可以提前订票。有时候会有朗朗和马友友的。从albert像向前走,稍偏北的方向Kensington palace.戴安娜曾居住于此.
从离它最近的一个门出来就是kensington high street可坐bus去海德公园。 south kensington tube station出站不走musuem通道,直接上地面,有一家不错的可利饼店。7磅左右一个饼,甜咸都有。够女孩子吃饱了。take the tube to tower hill for tower of Londonalso the tower bridge is next to it.or go to Bank station. That's the City area. Bank of England is there. go back by tube toSt. pauls. There's the cathedral.第三天:大英博物馆,Greenwich木乃伊和中国馆也许值得去看看。Greenwich是零度经线的地方。格林威治时间就是这里来的。有一条线让你同时踏东西半球。
相反,British museum在周末关门时间会延长至晚上八点半甚至十一点! 楼主最好调整一下哦 博物馆具体闭馆时间可以网上查下www.britishmuseum.org
D3 impossible
D9 you must take care of the possible delays and check in time for the flight