Dear CustomerWe have been unable to confirm your requested itinerary due to unavailability of seats on your selected flights. We are processing your
Booking manually under Zuji Reference:: A charge to your credit card has been processed and in the event that your selected flight
Bookings are full, you may be offered several alternatives to help you fly on your selected date. There may be variations on pricing based on the alternatives offered, and we will make every effort to ensure it is close to the price offered.We will provide you with an update as soon as possible. If you are departing in the next 48 hours we will contact you todayThank you for your co-operation.
Zuji Customer Service
晕,这是什么意思呀?没有就没有吧,怎么还来个扣款已被 处理呢?那这笔款到底扣了没呢?信用卡的信息全给他们了,我现在取消这个订单,会被扣款吗?