如果不在48小时交的话,也不一定会被罚钱。我觉得主要是看你的租车公司跟金门大桥管理公司事先有没有arrangement。因为车子是租车公司名下的,账单有可能直接寄到租车公司,然后租车公司把费用加到你的账户上。 在北美先过桥后交买路钱其是挺普遍的,但是有可能会incur手续费。
One-Time PaymentMaking a One-Time Payment is exactly what it sounds like: you make your toll payment, one payment at a time. One-Time Payments are suggested for drivers who infrequently cross the Golden Gate Bridge, for visitors travel in their own vehicles from out of the area, out-of-state, out-of the country, and for customers that want to pay using cash. One-Time Payments can be made up to 30 days before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge or within 48 hours after and can be made using a credit card or cash/check/money order. There are no extra fees when you make a One-Time Payment.Online using a credit cardBy phone using a credit card: Toll free 877-BAY-TOLL (877-229-8655), outside California at 415-486-TOLL (415-486-8655). Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pmIn person using cash: Cash Payment LocationsIn person using cash/check/money order or credit card: Bay Area FasTrak Customer Service Center, 475 The Embarcadero (at Broadway), San Francisco, CA. Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm分享到