才下来的英国签证被拒,问了旅行社他们说使馆是怀疑我银行流水作假,郁闷- -
求大神帮解决一下~最近真的一直都好不顺,看了下那个单子上的英文,自己在网上打出来这段话翻译,但是还是不太明白,这样写着的:As evidence of your ability to fund your visit to the UK you have submitted a bank statement from the Agricultural Bank of China.However,official enquiries conduced by this office have shown that this confirmed that this statement was not issued by the Agricultural Bank of China.Given this I am satisfied,to a higher balance of probabilities,that a false document was produced in your visa application whether or not material to the application and whether or not to your knowledge.The reason I have reached this conclusion are contained in a document verification report,held on file.I therefore refuse your application under Paragraph 3.6 (a) of Appendix V of the Immigration Rules. 真心望知道的亲们帮帮忙,谢谢了~