You see, plane lands in the airport at 5, and probably at around 6am if a bit bit bit delays.
then you walk 5 min to the Border, and remember if it is not peak time, there will not be too many officers checking the passport. You may still face a long queue. If you are to UK for the 1st time, then you may be asked for health-test (hopefully not, it is rather random). If so, you will never be able to get there in time.
Even you pass the Border in time and collect the luggages, let us say 6 for the quickest, then you have to take either a piccardily line or H.Express to the city centre and then Euston, which every is more than 1 hour. Then u will not be able to get on the train in time: remember, that is the peak hour for the London tubes. You can image.
The morning one usually gets here early as there's no air traffic at that time. Health check is only random to first time long term residents entering the country. Not for visitor visa holders. I think you might just get there at 8am.
I suggest you to cancel your train tickets.
You see, plane lands in the airport at 5, and probably at around 6am if a bit bit bit delays.
then you walk 5 min to the Border, and remember if it is not peak time, there will not be too many officers checking the passport. You may still face a long queue. If you are to UK for the 1st time, then you may be asked for health-test (hopefully not, it is rather random). If so, you will never be able to get there in time.
Even you pass the Border in time and collect the luggages, let us say 6 for the quickest, then you have to take either a piccardily line or H.Express to the city centre and then Euston, which every is more than 1 hour. Then u will not be able to get on the train in time: remember, that is the peak hour for the London tubes. You can image.
如果时间上紧,你也可以选择坐heathrow express到paddington再转地铁,但偶个人认为坐地铁时间就够了
希思罗T3的边检 非常的变态
队伍是变态的长 边检的官员的速度却依旧是变态的慢.
不过早上6点的话 估计人不会很多
下了飞机跑快一点 直接去过边检
如果先上厕所再过边检什么的 估计那个队伍就..
半年前同一趟飞机,同样T4,晚点到的,晚上8点左右,最后出机舱 入关 拿行李只用了30分钟左右。
HEATHROW T3 不到万不得已 不会选择从那里出来的
给你拖上个2-3小时很正常 扣留遣返也不是新鲜事情
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