两周前,在kayak上发现了便宜的往返票,于是按连接去定,本来挺高兴,以为可以享受一个周末啦(周五去,周日回),kayak把我连到了Orbitz上,我没什么经验就没多想,一路填过去定了票。等到信箱里看确认信的时候傻了,不仅收了我10块钱的service fee(它压根什么也没干,都是我填的啊),而且回来的日期给弄错了,晚了一个月,成1月份了!!!气的我马上打他们的客服,一个
This way your loss could be minimized.
Honestly, I think it might be your fault. Probably you did not read the page carefully enough before you click confirm.
Most of the date/month and other choices such as state are designed as drop-down menu. If you choose Dec and then accidentally move your mouse wheel a little then it becomes Jan.
Anyway, you can still try to argue. Use a handsfree speaker phone and stay on the line for as long as you can. They are not allowed to hang up on you. Just try your and their patience. Remember to ask for and write down your case reference number, their names and employment ID number FIRST every time you get connected or transfered to another guy.
Good Luck.