Congaree National Park的重要性在於它保護了大西洋沿岸熱帶與亞熱帶平原的原始森林(Middle Atlantic Coastal Forests)。一般而言,當人們提到森林時,第一個想法往往都與高山連結在一起,但事實上,平原地區其實也有森林,我們之所以忽略它們,主要是因為這樣的原始森林最容易遭受人類的開墾以及都市化的發展而消失,它們很難有機會被保留下來。而今我們常見到都市邊緣的森林,大多數是開墾後所長出來的「次生林」,而非原來土地上的原始林。 Congaree National Park成立於2003年,原本為木材公司所有,在二十世紀中葉,由當地的一些人士發起保護原始森林的運動,進而從國家自然景點、國際生物圈保留區,一直晉升成國家公園。Congaree National Park內附有停車場和一個遊客中心,那日到公園已是下午時分,遊客中心已經關門,選了幾份摺頁就開始走步道了。針對這個國家公園我寫了一篇遊記在窮遊網,如果有興趣歡迎搜尋「美国东南五座着名国家公园 森林小哥跨越七州 的千里探索-大烟山、仙南渡、新河峡、坎格瑞、大沼泽地国家公园」
Congaree National Park, formerly Congaree Swamp National Monument, is South Carolina's only National Park. The park encompasses the largest intact area of bottomland hardwood forest in the southeastern United States. Frequent flooding of Congaree River brings in rich nutrients and fosters great diversity of plant and animal life. It also has a lot of very big trees. There are around 25 state champions and 6 national champions in the park that are known, and there could be even more that no one knows about yet. When we visited, we managed to find one using GPS that was about 500 feet off River Trail. It was a cherrybark oak ( Quercus pagoda ). The official circumference is 282 inches, but we measured 304. Finding these trees is extremely difficult, so if you're interested in seeing them, check out a Big Tree Walk with a park ranger. You'll be able to see some of these magnificent trees without the risk of getting lost in the swamp!