弗吉尼亚大学(The University of Virginia)的校园被称为东海岸最美丽的校园,值得一逛。25所“新常春藤”和最初的8所“公立常春藤”成员之一,被联合国教科文组织列为是世界遗产。The Rotunda 圆顶建筑是杰斐逊总统亲自设计。在绿荫葱葱的草坪上红墙白顶,十分漂亮,同时也是学校的象征。
We could not leave without visiting the campus. There are renovations ongoing but the detour is well worth it to discover the green with the residences on either side and try to imagine the students that studied there over a century ago. Including Edgar Allan Poe who never graduated!