I went to Buffalo for a meeting in the mid October and we were told that there was a kind of bus system running from the city center of Buffalo to Niagara Falls but I did not try that. Instead, I, together with two of my colleagues, called a taxi (the telephone number could be found at the Information of the Buffalo Airport)and we decided on the phone that he would take us to the Fall, drop us there and come back to pick us up and take us back to Buffalo. The price for the taxi was $100.We actually spent about 6 or 7 hours there (We walked to the Canadian side) and called the driver to come to take us back to Buffalo. In that case, if you have other people going with you, you could try that.
你们怎么都说那么贵.根本没那么贵的,我在st.catharines,就是大瀑布这.从我们这坐去大瀑布也就$3.从我们着坐去buffalo bus terminal也就10几刀吧,坐coach canada.我想你只需要坐公车到buffalo的bus terminal就好了.当然了,这个麻烦点.你想不麻烦就是打的了,准备好钱就是了.从这直接坐去纽约来回票也就100多点.从Bufflo来瀑布是最近的了.不过下雪了,实在没什么好看的,又冷.你等雪即将融化那会来看,又有流水,又有雪,还有阳光,那个比较美了。
我们三人在机场问讯处(IMFORMATION)拿到出租汽车司机的电话号码,然后与司机商定从市内出发来回收费100刀.我们坐旅馆的免费接站汽车到旅馆,不久TAXI 就来了.他送我们到瀑布后回去继续他的生意,让我们想回BUFFALO时再打电话给他.因为我们要走去加拿大那一侧,所以我们6,7个小时后打电话给司机,他很快就来接我们了.
你好,我想问下那个40路公交车最晚是几点啊?我们大概晚上8点半到那个terminal station, ...
nancyhang 发表于 2012-3-8 10 ”
8点半的话车还有的,末班车要到11点半左右。http://metro.nfta.com/Routes/Routes.aspx 尼亚加拉的公交网站。所有的车辆时刻表都有的。
查了一下好象没有类似的,我不会开车只能靠public transport了
谢谢大家 ”
Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY are actually two cities. The best you can do is probably shuttle bus for about $30 each way.
不过我是从Bus Terminal走的,坐的40A,帮你查了查,机场没有直接到大瀑布的,不过机场有很多去Bus Terminal的,例如30、24,应该是1.75$,所以总共4$就够你去大瀑布了……准备好零钱,车上不找钱的,呵呵。
你好,我想问下那个40路公交车最晚是几点啊?我们大概晚上8点半到那个terminal station,还有车吗?
真是奇怪,世界第7大奇景竟然没有public transport!!!