今天收到了米国寄来的NOTICE,但是似乎没写怎么支付。。。。难道我开个支票按上面地址寄过去吗?但是国内没有个人支票啊,咋办?据说可以网上支付,但是只有LA的网上法院,santa cruz好像没有。。。
“I served this notice of correction on the parties at the address listed below by depositing it in a sealed envelop,postage prepaid,within the united states postal services at
i declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of california that the foregoing is true and correct。”
交钱都没处交!Citation was not found. It may take up to 3 weeks from the day
your citation is issued before the law enforcement agency submits the
information to the court. You will not be able to address your case
using the internet until the information is entered into the court's
case management system.