昨天收到the toll roads的Notice of Delinquent Toll Evasion,居然说我半年前在加州的Catalina View Line逃了4块5的高速费,我这才明白上个月dollar无故在我信用卡上扣我25块是啥缘由。
虽然水平很次,但我还是用我学了小10年的蹩足英语给the toll roads搞了一封信过去,主要说明和申诉了两点理由:
1、孙子们没有尽到明示告知的义务,我查了地图,确实在那段时间走了那条路,但当时我并没有发现任何的收费卡或缴费机,也没有任何的牌子表明我正在行驶在toll way上,可以说是想给钱都无门,从昨天起我才知道有fastrak这玩意,但作为一个旅行者,怎么可能提前知晓如此多的细节。我google一下,发现很多
美国自己人都在这条路上着了道,可以说这完全就是the toll roads给加州以外的旅行者设的一个套,没有明示的收费卡、缴费机,toll fee绝大部分靠fastrak交,错过就必须付penalty,什么玩意啊!
2、作为被诉的我,从一开始就没有得到完整的知情权。the toll roads发现我没交高速费后,必然联系了我的租车公司dollar,我在dollar留了我的联系方式,the toll roads此时就应该通知我,而不是等到半年之后找我既收路费还外加罚金和滞纳金!完全是the toll road和dollar不作为的结果。更可笑的是,信里写着1月13号是最后期限,如我不交他们就提交加州DMV,将附带民事责任起诉我了,我特么 1月14号才收到的信,让我咋弄?
由于是首次与the toll roads交涉,本着息事宁人的原则,措辞尽可能的友善,表示4块5的高速愿意缴纳,但罚金和滞纳金基于上述2个理由,the toll roads过失在先,我没有缴纳的义务。
2、信中提交DMV的期限是1月13号,但我在the toll roads上查询后的最后期限是1月22号,自罚单开出正好是一个月的期限,到底以哪个期限为准?
4、如果他们的调查结果我不满意,为了不影响我赴美,我是不是先认怂把钱交了完事,回头再向DMV和加州政府投诉the toll roads和dollar?亦或还是死抗不付款,投诉到满意为止?关键是在投诉期间是否影响我再次入境
5、向DMV投诉本人是否需要walk in,还是书面材料就可以处理?
Dear Sir/ Madam,
This is Mr. W write to you from Shandong, PR China.
I rented a car from HERTZ (LAX) between May 1 to 11 and I use the GPS during this period.
Today (June 27th) I just received your air mail informed me that on the day 05/11/13 at 12:51pm in the location of Catalina View North Lane 12 my vehicle travelled on the toll roads without make the proper too payment or haveing a vilid fast transponder.
Violation No. 252/ License Plate
This notice of toll evasion 05/30/13 and valid within 21 days. However now is June 27, 2013 and it’s too late for me to response to you in time.
As to this problem I have my dispute as below:
1. Yes this place and time I came through are true but there is no noticeable warning plates showing that this is the toll way and also there is no noticeable toll gates/ machines on this road. From this morning after received the mail I get to know there is a thing called FAS TRAK TRANSPONDER and you need to pay by this. As a foreign traveler how can we know such kind a detail and also I checked form the internet there are lots of Americans also make the same mistakes everyday even they live in USA. I think it’s your fault on this point and it’s not fair for me to afford all the cost of this mistake. Even though I still would like to pay for the toll charge $5.25 accordingly.
2. Everyone should have the right to know the truth. As the passenger I am your customer, I have left the contact information to Hertz including the cell phone number and email box when I rent the car and if you The Toll Roads know that I missed to pay for the toll you should tell HERTZ asap and then HERTZ should inform me asap. But after 45 days there is no notice from your side and no guys tell me about this. Both You and HERTZ do not take the responsibility to your customers and protect their own profits. Now it’s too late for me to take the response to the notice within 21 days and I have trouble at DMV or civil judgment also will lose the money. I think it’s not my faults and unfair to me.
I would like to pay the toll charge usd5.25 and for the other cost such as the penalty I do not admit it. Please do understand. Thank you very much for the kind attention and help. I hope to hear from you soon.
希望能尽快收到回复赶紧解决. 唉!!!!!!!!!