蒙特雷湾是加州一号公路必经的一段,它守护的蒙特雷小镇也是游客绝对不能错过的景点。蒙特雷湾附近可以玩的景点非常多,比较著名的时候蒙特雷水族馆,它依海而建,是个世界闻名的水族馆,有免费的公交可以到水族馆门口。营业时间早十到晚五,成人39.95刀。旧渔人码头也是比较精彩的景点,那里的游艇鳞次栉比,可以充分感受海边小镇人们的生活。还有出海观鲸等水上活动。蒙特雷餐馆鳞次栉比,既然是海边小镇那主营当然跟海鲜分不开啦,在这里可以品尝到加州大名鼎鼎酸面包浓汤。另外,海边新鲜捕捞的海鲜也绝对不能错过。这里的生蚝和大螃蟹都值得一试。强烈推荐Monterey Fish Market。
an exceptionally charming joyful small town with so many places to see, and so many restaurants to try. we have been there twice and been impressed each time for its beauty, diversity, and jolliness.
I loved the wale watching and the sceneries from Monterey to Carmel. Amazing, if you are driving. There are nice sceneries stop signs, if you have the time stop and enjoy.