奥克兰时,途径了海湾大桥。当时GPS引导我们,没有看到任何缴费的地方或提示,结果我们就直接开过大桥了。事后,我们得知要收6刀的费用。我想补缴,但ALAMO公司的人说无法补缴,只有等罚款。而且ALAMO公司还有收取额外的手续费等等。我们太无辜了,我们没有想逃缴费用,但确要处罚我们。我们该怎么办? 我把情况email了租车公司,他们回答如下:With the information provided, I have located your rental information in my system. When an unpaid toll is generated during your rental, the Highway Toll Administration (HTA) will notify Alamo. At that time, the credit card you presented at the time of rental will automatically be charged for the toll charge, plus a processing fee of $3.95 (per day that a toll charge is generated). At this time, Alamo has not been notified of an unpaid toll by the HTA, but it could take 4-6 weeks from the date the vehicle is returned for the HTA to notify Alamo.
For more information related to the Highway Toll Administration, please contact http://htallc.com/ContactUs.aspx.