美国出差的时候,路过san bernardino吃了张超速的罚单,当时罚单是让出庭,但是开庭时间的时候都已经回国了,当时想在网上交罚款但是找不到case的信息,之后自己也疏忽了,直到15年12月才收到一封邮件,邮件内容如下:This message has been sent to you by ISD Corporation on behalf of the Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino in reference to a traffic citation or case filed with the Court.
Some time ago, you signed up to receive an email when your traffic citation/case was found at the Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino.
Your case has been found but it is not eligible for payment via ePay-it.
结果是已经不能在网上交了,我网上查了San Bernardino法庭的网址,点进去后结果发现Please DO NOT attempt to pay your traffic citation at this time. ,现在也不能在网上交罚款。
求教各位大侠前辈,有没有在San Bernardino可以帮忙交罚款的,有没有可能减免费用,超速365加上没有出庭300罚款,总共要小700刀了,心疼。